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We don't require deposits on unborn kids any longer. There are too many factors that can affect a kidding. We do recommend that if you are intrested in a breeding, that you contact us and we can put you down as a contact first. We will put down that you "reserved a certain kid". Once the kid is born, then a deposit of $100 is required to HOLD that kid until time of pick-up. Animals can be paid using PAYPAL friends and family option, Venmo OR CASH.  Kids are to be picked up or shipped by one month of age.  If not picked up, than a $2/day care fee will be charged.  Prices are at the farm and include original ADGA registration or application.  They do not include transport, shipping, kennel, health papers, etc. Once you reserve a kid, the price is set and will not change.  Prices may go up or down on unreserved kids once they are born and evaluated.   Thanks for your interest in our wonderful herd. 

Click on goat's picture to view pedigree

2021-2022 breeding plans

SGCH Quitan Obers ATTN CHABLIS X Fox On Fire PMC IMA Survivor

all does retained, 1 buck ret

due 3/24

KIDS: $800


SGCH Okanogan Oberhaslis LIkea Diva x Fox on Fire HNS Chasethedream (polled)

due 3/24

All kids retained


Ch Breakaway farms Lee b4 Dawn x Fox on Fire HNS Chasethedream(polled)

 due 3/23

1 doe retained

kids: $600



1 doe & 1 buck ret

due 3/20

KIDS: $600


Haycreeks Cameron ELENOR X Fox on Fire Aidan's Legacy

due: 3/18


KIDS: $500


Okanogan Oberhaslis Go-Go Girl (polled)x Fox on Fire PMC IMA Survivor

due: 3/18

1 doe retained

Kids; $500


Mistwood BS Guinevere x Fox on Fire HNS Chasethedream (polled)


due 3/23

KIDS: $450, milker: $500**


Fox on Fire LUCK o' the Irish X Fox on Fire Chasethedream(polled)

due: 3/16

1 doe retained

KIDS: $550


Fox on Fire SA Chihiro x Fox on Fire PMC Ima Survivor 


1 doe retained

kids: $500


Buttin' Heads Ella Fritzgerald x Fox on Fire HNS Chasethedream(polled)

due: 3/21

1 doe retained

kids: $550


Buttin' heads Alice Walker(black) x Fox on Fire HNS Chasethedream(polled)

due 3/17

1 black doe retained

kids: $600


Fox on Fire Spirit of Denali x  Fox on Fire PMC Ima Survivor

due: 2/24

1 doe retained

KIDS: $500


Fox on Fire HNS Lots of Love (polled)x Fox on Fire PMC Ima Survivor


1 doe retained

kids: $450, milker: $500**


Fox on Fire Dreamin' bout Luck x Heaven's Hollow So a sure thing

due: 4/1

1 doe retained

kids: $500


Luvruc  VK LOL x Fox on Fire Aidan's Legacy


kids: $500


Fox on Fire SA Burlesque(polled) x Heaven's Hollow So a Sure thing

1 doe retained

due: 3/25

kids: $500


Fox on Fire Vive La Resistance x Playrite Motely  Crue

due 3/25 1 doe ret

kids: $400


Fox on Fire CTD Daisy Mae x Fox on Fire PMC Ima Survivor

due 2/26 

kids: $400


Fox on Fire Dontcatchthe Rona x Fox on Fire Aidan's Legacy

due 3/16

1 doe ret

kids: $500


Fox on Fire SA Fireball x Fox on Fire KR The  Force (exp- 75% Oberhasli/25% LM)

due: 3/4

1 doe ret

kids: $400


Fox on Fire Rumor of Spring (Alpine) x Fox on Fire KR The Force (75% Oberhasli/25% Lamancha) & Sage Wind On a Whim (DNA)

due: 3/25

1 doe ret

kids: $400


Fox on Fire SA Zenyatta(polled)x Fox on Fire KR The Force(75% Ober/25% LM)

due 3/4

1 doe ret

does only: $400


Fox on Fire SA Jive Talkin'(polled) x exposed to all Oberhasli bucks (DNA)

due: 3/19

1 kid retained

kids: $400


Capra Gia lady Chanel (50%lamancha) x Hammock Haven I can only Imagine- 

all does ret



Fox on Fire THKIM Ostara (nubian/Saanen) x Sage Wind On a Whim & Hammock Haven Icanonly Imagine (lamancha) DNA does

due: 3/3

1 doe ret

kids: $400

Fox on Fire SA Rockstar (Lamancha/Oberhasli) x Sage Wind On a Whim(lamancha)

due 3/14

1 doe ret

kids: $400


CH Pine-Springs GTC Corbastian x Sage Wind On a Whim  

due 3/14

all retained

Pine-Springs Corus Line A x Sage Wind on a Whim & Hammock Haven Icanonly Imagine (DNA)

due 3/24

1 doe retained


Pine-Springs Rebel Princess x Sage Wind On a Whim

due 3/3

1 doe ret

kids: $400

Hammock Haven Freya x Sage Wind On a Whim

due 3/4

1 doe retained

kids: $500

Double AP Cookie Crisp x Hammock Haven Icanonly Imagine

kids: $500

Tickles Me Pink Razberry Beret x Hammock Haven Icanonly Imagine

due: 3/15

1 doe ret

kids: $400, milker: $450


Milkers start at $450
First Freshner kids start at $400
Star milker +$50
Ch or GCH +$50
SG +$100
AI mating +$200
Top 10 doe +$200
Elite sire or Dam +$200
Legs towards CH +$50

Junior Does

BUCKS for sale

Senior Does


Limited semen available-
At the Farm Notte Sento Serge'- 2018 LA +VV82, Polled American Oberhasli buck,  Throws polled 9 out of 10 times, produces black kids, grandson of Rachielise Notte Sento and Sir Echo Brett. Excellent temperament. Progeny have great feet and legs- an improvement over dam
Parasite resistant and passes on trait
DNA on file
collected by Capra Gia Genetics  - Graded Excellent
limited semen available- 5 straws/$200

Trinity Rose Eragon- American Oberhasli buck- 2015 LA VEV88-AI son of FDF-Pleasant Fields My Time. Produces tall, growthy kids with wide rumps, Produces capacity- and increases milk production. Will increase teat size. 
DNA on file
Alpha-Casein F/01
Collected by Capra Gia Genetics -Graded Good/Very Good
Fox on Fire Spirited Away- Polled American Oberhasli buck. Son of At the Farm Notte Sento Serge' and Breakaway Farms TA Denali. Throws polled well. Parasite resistant. Excellent Temperament. Produces progeny that have excellent confirmation- long level toplines, excellent heads, great feet and legs. Daughters have capricious udders with excellent teat placement.
DNA on file
Alpha-Casein A/E
Collected by Capra Gia Genetics- Graded Excellent
5 straws/$200
Ober-d'rainbow VRD Hotn'Spicy- Polled American Oberhasli buck. Son of Windbriar TS Roses Salsa Verde (AI son of Body-Shops HMT Tomatillos) and Ober-d'rainbow WNCHTR Elynn. Progeny has been long, level, and upstanding, excellent wide heads, very dairy looking kids.
DNA'd and Alpha-Casein E/E
Collected by Capra Gia Genetics-  Graded Excellent
5 straws/ $200
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