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Click on goat's picture to view pedigree
Tommy Lee is spur of the moment purchase, a new jr Herdsire that aligns with the goals and bloodlines of the herd. He has great pedigree and I really look forward to using him in the fall of 2019 and throughout the next couple of years.
He is long, level and growthy! And he has a fabulous udder behind him in his dam. 
He will be DNA'D, alpha- s1 casein tested and collected in 2020.
pictures used with permission from Saige Ranch Dairy Goats
Ober-d'rainbow VRD Hotn'Spicy
Spicy came from Washington in 2017 from a  herd dispersal. He is polled and has nice lines. He's growing into a handsome buck and has very nice confirmation. He has several offspring and I'm very excited in how they are developing.
Spicy was dam raised, and is harder to catch than I prefer, he is however not hard to handle once caught. He would just rather not be touched much. He has an even-good temperament even in rut has never offered me violence.
His has been DNA'd is Alpha-Casein E/E,
he has also been collected. We plan to recollect him in 2019 and then he will be offered for sale afterwards $500
©Ober-d'rainbow Caprines
Fox On Fire Spirited Away
Spirit is the 2017 kid of Denali and Serge. When I lost Denali in 2017 I  decided to keep her buck kid. He has grown into a handsome, loveable easy-going boy. He has a couple of very nice daughters already on the ground. One which placed 13th at the 2018 National Show in Columbus, Ohio and one which freshened in 2019- already I look forward in seeing more udders from he daughters. He is a very promising buck.
He is DNA'd, is Alpha-Casein A/E and collected. Limited Semen is available. 5 straws/ $200
Fox On Fire ChasetheDream

Chase is the 2019 son of Aidan and Spicy. He is polled. He is long and level and is much easier to handle than his father. He also has an awesome udder and genetics behind him. 


I plan to use him in the fall and also have him DNA'd, alpha s1 casein tested in 2020 

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